Business Associations
Possessing commercial certificate from Cedre (International experts in accidental water pollution)
One of the members of MEMAC (Marine Emergency Mutual Aid Centre)
Owning Drinking Water Testing Laboratory certified by Department of Environment (DOE) of Iran
One of the suppliers in Approved Vendor List of National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC)
The institute also owns seven registered patents as follows:
Use of polyethylene wastes for water softening purposes
Desalination of water by using surfactant
Oil remover chemical to collect thin films of petroleum compounds over non-flowing waters
Oil spill dispersant to make oil spills dispersed into water
Biological decomposer to accelerate degradation of offshore oil pollutions
Weld cleaning spray (Anti-spatter) to remove any flaws or defects found on stainless steel welds
Fuel and cleaner additives