Oil and Energy | Department

oil spill

Oil Spill Dispersant to break up an oil slick into very small droplets, which dilutethroughout the water. While this does not remove the spilled material, smaller oilparticles are more easily biodegraded.

Application Method Dispersants are sprayed onto spills by specially equipped boats orplanes (5% of the spilled oil volume).
Benefits Free of sodium, chlorine and aromatic substances and eco-friendly
Composition Dispersants have two main components: a surfactant and a solventSurfactant molecules are made up of an oleophilic part (with anattraction to oil) and ahydrophilic part (with an attraction to water). The water-based dispersants' solvent ismade up of alcohol, glycols and glycol ethers (mostly ethanol, isopropane, ethyleneglycol and propylene glycol) to increase its ability to mix with oil and lower the freezinepoint.
oil demulsifier

Demulsifiers (BZP-009) The emulsion breakers to separate emulsions of water in crudeoil and oil in water, used for effective oil recovery, and to improve the quality of reusablewater. The applied chemical reacts with the emulsifying agent by weakening the film atthe interface and interconnecting water particles which forms water droplets very fast.

Application Method There are three means to remove water from oil emulsion; usingchemicals, applying heat and also electrical field. According to the performance tests, theconsumption dose of demulsifiers ranges from 50-250 ppm, depending on the type of theemulsion and its stability.
Benefits Eco-friendly
Composition Derivatives of ethoxylates (to provide the desired degree of water/oil solubility), naphthenic acids, acids, hydrocarbon solvents and natural fatty alcohols
crude oil cleaner

Crude Oil Cleaner (BZP - 001) A water-based biodegradable crude oil cleaner is ahighly effective cleaning agent designed for cleaning contaminated surfaces with crudeoil and residual fuels such as off-shore oil rigs, storage tanks or oil transport equipmentand vessels, coastal areas and soil contaminated by petroleum products.

Application method Depending on amount of pollution as well as location, differenttypes of cleaners could be applied through spraying or jet splash after dilution by water.In cases of needing higher cleanness levels, a prior washing by hot water is necessary.
Benefits Natural bio-degradation of organic contaminants in an environmentally friendlymanner. It incorporates patented technology that amplifies the ability of surfactants topenetrate, lift and clean contaminants from surfaces more efficiently than othersurfactants or caustic chemicals.
Composition Derivatives of ethoxylates, amines, acids and natural fatty alcohols (Free ofbenzene, chlorinated hydrocarbons, phenol, caustic alkali and (mineral acids, heavymetals).
oil remover

Oil Remover Chemical

(BZP - 121,122)

To decrease oil contamination surface and increase its layer thickness when the oil surfaceon water is less than 1mm of thickness andcannot be collected by skimmer easily or dispersant does not have the required efficiency.


Application Method Depending on the amount of pollution,two methods, Spraying or Dropping canbe used. Whenever the pollution area isvast spraying is the suitable method, incontrast when the amount is limited, dripmethod should be applied. This productacts on surface of water and accompaniedby skimmer to remove pollutants fromwater. The required dose to use is 1/20 ofoil layer thickness on water surface.
Benefits Free of benzene, chlorinated hydrocarbons,phenol, caustic alkali, mineral acids andheavy metals and Eco-friendly
Composition This product composes of derivatives ofethanol, ethanolamine, acids and naturalafatty alcohols (Free of benzene, chlorinated hydrocarbons, phenol, caustic (alkali,mineral acids and heavy metals).

Biological decomposer of organic materials to accelerate degradation of offshore oil pollutions and detoxify pollutants for cleaning and treatment purposes. It is an evolvingmethod for the removal and degradation of the products of petroleum industry.

Application Method Decomposers are sprayed onto spills by specially equipped boats orplanes.
Benefits Bioremediation technology is believed to be noninvasive, environmentallyfriendly and relatively cost-effective
Composition Decomposer is made up of the microbes compatible with hydrocarbonenvironments that get energy by eating oil and breaking down its chemical bonds.
octane booster

Fuel Additives of BZRTI are designed for both petrol and diesel engines to reduce car'sfuel consumption which may lead to high level of engine power and less carbon dioxide exhaust emissions by creating a complete combustion process.

Application method Adding the products to your car is an easy, stress-free process.Detach your vehicle's fuel filler cap and remove the lid from the additive. Then, insert theneck of the bottle directly into the fuel tank and add one to two shots based on formula.
Benefits Keeping carburettors, injectors and intake valves clean, improving lubricity ofdiesel fuel, removing carbon deposits, improving performance, increasing octane level, etc.
Composition The additive composition contains alcohol, glycol alkyl ether and alkylethoxylated surfactant.