water and Environment | Department


Water Desalination with Surfactant International Research and Training Institute of Barzegar Zenouz have invented a new method of desalination. Importance of this technology will be more predominant with increasing demand of water use in agriculture. Desalination of water using surfactant in comparison with other methods in a wide range (700-60,000 ppm) makes it an acceptable method in laboratory scale and pilot plant. Thisupgrading technology is cost-effective for each cubic meter of water

Benefits :
1-This method doesn't need so much raw materials in contrast to the other methods especially ion exchange.
2- This method does not have any complex technology, doesn't need experts for
3- Using inexpensive materials for building of a pilot for every cubic m3 meter (About 50 percent cheaper than RO equipment cost).
4- This method can be used in small volume to supply water for small communities such as villages.
5- This method can be used in small volume to supply water for small communities such as villages.
6- This method has remarkably advantages from environmental point of view such asusing low of electricity, heating and fixity surrounding temperature.
7- This system approximately has natural sources, so doesn't have any especial effect onenvironment.

Hydroponics A type of horticulture and a subset of hydroculture, which is a method ofgrowing plants, usually crops, without soil, by using mineral nutrient solutions in anaqueous solvent.

Benefits :
Vertical farming grows plants up, rather than out, allowing farmers to grow moreplants per square foot, than traditional farming methods. 90% less water than traditionalfarming, the capability to grow and harvest any crop almost anywhere because you cancontrol the climate conditions, zero pesticides, modular, expandable, moveable, fresherproducts with longer shelf life, consistent product supply without seasonality constraints,easy to operate (no professional agricultural expertise is required), cost-effective.
Excellent choices for vertical farming: Tomatoes, Peas, Cucumbers, zucchini andsummer squash, Melons and winter squash species which produce fruit weighing up to 3pounds are great in vertical gardens, Kiwis, Strawberry, Hops, Passion fruit, Green-beans,Corn, okra, Brussels sprouts, and sunflowers, Greens like lettuce, kale, basilc, etc

Damask Rose Essence is used as rose concrete and rose absolute for being applied infoodstuffs, perfumery and cosmetics and also is used as an essential oil. The damask roseessential oil is used to correct wrinkles and blotches and also against sexual asthenia andstrong affective disorders.

Benefits :
A tonic astringent, antimicrobial, antioxidant, relaxant anti-inflammatory, insecticidal, anti-wrinkle and anti-couperose.
Composition Iranian damask rose oil, citronellol, geraniol, phenyl ethyl alcohol, nerol,hexa-cosane, nonadecane, linalool, Ionone, ecosane, docacosane farnesol, neryalacetate, citronellyl propionate.