Drug & Biotechnology | Department

Skin Wound Healing An easy-to-use chemical for the antiseptic cleansing of minoracute wounds such as cuts, abrasions, first and minor second-degree burns, bedsore, diabetic wounds and open blisters. It can also be used for chronic wounds and postoperativewound care as per doctor's instructions.

Peace & Calming Essential Oil A complementary treatment for neuropathy, or nervedamage (complementary treatments are used with, but don't replace, mainstream medicalatreatment). For people with diabetes, this primarily affects the legs and feet. BZRTIessential oils may help ease some of the symptoms of neuropathy including pain reliefand improved digestion.

Skin disinfectant is available in different versions including disinfectants for normal skincleaning up to surgical disinfectants used prior to surgery. It is also used as an anti-allergyand anti-itch.

COVID19 Antivirus drugs could have a crucial role in treating severe COVID-19 infection. This drug is based on the active ingredient of hydrophilic and lipophilic surfactantsby which the formation of a viral layer and contamination on the walls and linings of theair sacs in lung is prevented and the condition of lung repair and gas exchange because ofthe elimination of viruses and bacteria is provided.