Formally founded in 1997, BZRTI (Barzegar Zenouz International Research and TrainingInstitute) aims at the integration of research and education promoted by scientificinnovations based on synthesized surfactants (Surface Active Agents) with demonstrableexcellence across industries including pharmaceutical products, oil, water andenvironment. As one of the members, and the only Iranian agent, of MEMAC, MarineEmergency Mutual Aid Centre, BZRTI builds up relationships with world-renownedcenters such as Cedre to strength international cooperation and aligns its programs basedon the needs and potentials of the country and global challenges. The laboratories of theresearch center with adequate facilities, equipment, and supplies as well as professionaltechnicians, have carried out well-defined scientific procedures to manufacture medicineand biotechnology-based products.
The activities of the institute are conducted by facilitated
departments as follows:
Water and Environment Department
Oil and Energy Department
Food, Drug and Biotechnology Department
Training Department